Disable Ads on Google app in Android devices

Your Games don't show Ads on Android devices ?
Do you want to disable / Enable Ads on Google apps ?

Here's the newest way to disable and enable Ads on Google apps !

A) On your Google Account

  1. Click to Settings icon on your smartphone then choose Accounts
  2. Settings on android devices
  3. Select Google
  4. Select to Google
  5. Click to Personal info & Privacy
  6. Personal info & Privacy
  7. Click to Ads Settings
  8. Ads Settings
  9. On Ads personalization, Slide to the left to Disable Ads
  10. Ads personalization
  11. Final, click to Turn Off
  12. Turn off Ads

B) On your Browse

  1. Click to vertical 3 dot icon on the right corner of your Browse
  2. Settings Browse
  3. Select Settings
  4. Settings
  5. Select Privacy
  6. Privacy
  7. Click to Pop-ups
  8. Pop-ups
  9. Final, Slide Left-Right to Disable-Enable Pop-up Ads
  10. Pop-ups


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